The Pavement Rejuvenation Technologies Group (PRT-Group) been working with CAI property managers for almost 40 years, our approach is simple “EDUCATION.” The more you know about asphalt and concrete pavements the better prepared you are to assist your HOA boards in managing one of their most expensive assets.
Asphalt aging is a fact! New asphalt pavement is black in color and flexible. Once asphalt is placed, the sun’s ultra-violet rays accelerate oxidation of the asphalt binder. One to three years later, the pavement continues to harden. Loose sand and gravel on the surface are soon detected and this is the beginning of the pavement deterioration curve.
The Choices
When the pavement reaches this point of deterioration, the owner/manager or engineer has three (3) basic choices.
First: You can do nothing and wait for the pavement to deteriorate until milling/paving is necessary. Asphalt pavement milling/paving is recommended every 10-12-years, with an average cost of $1.30 to $1.75 per square foot. This is proven to be the most expensive option.
Should this timely step be missed, the pavement may require complete removal and replacement at a much higher cost of $4.00-$5.00 per square foot.
Second: Begin a maintenance program of seal coating every 2-3 years, providing the application follows strict manufacture’s specifications. Generally, this will consist of two coats of sealer, with water dilution and sand loading based on traffic and weather conditions. The cost will average $. 12 -$. 15 per square foot.
This type of conventional water-based surface treatment is just that, the sealer will remain totally on the surface like paint and will quickly oxidize and be worn off by traffic, especially in the drive lanes. This residue will then be washed down the drain. which has led to some environmental concerns. Repeated use of this product is generally because of the loss of the pavement’s cosmetic appearance. The continued re-application and build up on the surface of this type of sealer will continue to harden the pavement and small cracking will become evident. The cracking will continuw and enlarge to the point where an asphalt overlay will then be needed.
Third: The most cost effective and modern appraoch is a penetrating rejuvenator.
Rejuvenator has been used by the FAA on airport runways, Air Force, the US Army, as we as many civilian pavements at schools, hospitals, shopping centers, office buildings and HOA associations etc. for over 40 years. The average cost for this type of treatment is between $. 15-$.18 per square foot. When comparing what may seem like the lower cost of a water-based seal coat applied every 3 years to a rejuvenator re-application every 5 years, one must compare the benefit derived in extending the pavement’s life itself as well as the additional time between applications. It has been proven that the cost of the rejuvenator may be less and thus most cost effective, in the long run.
Robert E. Boyer, Ph.D., P.E. Senior District Engineer Asphalt Institute, states.
“Appling the rejuvenator at periodic intervals can restore the asphaltene-maltene balance in the asphalt binder this is so essential to maintain a ductile, playable pavement. It will aid in replasticizing old asphalt and improve its durability. The proven performance of asphalt rejuvenator to revive an aging pavement, the engineer now has an economical method to extend pavement life”.
Environmental Concerns. Jeffrey L. Leptrone Colonel USAF Director of Technical Support has stated.
“A penetrating rejuvenator of this type (P-632) leaves little to no residual material on the surface to wash off and may be reapplied as often as necessary, without the buildup on the surface of the pavement”. Regarding air and water quality monitoring over the past 22 years, CPR rejuvenator has NEVER registered near or above state DEP and Federal EPA guide lines. The most recent (2018) real-time air monitoring for VOC was conducted at the Citgo fuel terminal in Glenmont, NY. The results on the Levels Measured were Peak VOC, = 0 ppm.
Call us today for a free evaluation of your asphalt pavement condition, and recommendations.