Experience is the solution
314 North Pearl Street¨ Albany, New York 12207¨ (518) 434-4546¨ Fax: (518) 434-0891
November 23, 2021
Karen Ward Hydro-Labs, Inc. 7526 Myers Road
East Syracuse, NY 13057
RE: Air Monitoring – Citgo Fuel Terminal, Glenmont, New York Adirondack Project No. IH-21-459
Dear Karen:
Adirondack Environmental Services, Inc. (Adirondack) was asked to perform real-time air monitoring for explosive gases at the Citgo fuel terminal in Glenmont, New York. This monitoring was performed in support of the application of a ground sealant product (Hydro-Labs CPR) by a contracted vender (Garden State Sealing) on November 8, 2021. The purpose of monitoring was to ensure the work area contained no flammable vapors while a combustion source (i.e., a gas powered sealant applicator machine) was operated within the restricted hazardous areas around the bulk fuel storage tanks.
Adirondack’s George Baily met with the Garden State crew and received a job safety brief with the terminal manager before work commenced. George remained with the crew for the entire time combustion sources were used around the tanks.
Monitoring was performed using a MultiRAE Lite portable five gas (O2, LEL, H2S, CO and PID) meter with real-time monitoring capability. The meter was successfully bump tested in the field with certified calibration gases prior to taking measurements. Measurements were collected in the regulated work areas prior to commencing any sealing activities, and periodically through the day as the work area changed. Winds were relatively calm, skies were clear, and no precipitation occurred during the day. The contractor reported no difficulties with the application process.
Lower explosion limit (LEL) levels within the work area remained at 0% prior to commencing coating activities, and remained at 0% throughout the entirety of the day.
Adirondack appreciates the opportunity to be of service to Hydro-Labs. If you have any questions regarding this report, please feel free to contact me directly at (518) 434-4546.
Very Truly Yours,
Digitally signed by: Cameron Steuer
Date: 2021.11.23 15:27:01
D. Cameron Steuer, MS, CIH
Manager Industrial Hygiene and Safety Services